a sustainable development organization.
PASDO is the best nonprofit, nongovernmental, charitable, volunteer friendly and Africa-focused international development organization taking action to fight hunger, poverty and climate change, and to achieve other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that include Good Health and Well-being (Goal 3), Quality Education (Goal 4), Clean Water and Sanitation (Goal 6) and Affordable and Clean Energy (Goal 7), among others.

PASDO has strong presence in Nigeria with operations in other African countries, in North America (including the United States and Canada), in Asia and in other continents.
To enhance its functions, amplify its impacts and ensure accountability in its operations, PASDO holds accreditation of various intergovernmental organizations.
For example, PASDO is accredited by the United Nations Volunteers service (UNV) to recruit volunteers from around the world and engage them in activities that promote sustainable development. PASDO is also accredited by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), among others.
An acronym for Peace Advocacy and Sustainable Development Outreach, PASDO recognizes the following four strategic pillars in its approach to sustainable development:
- Environmental Sustainability
- Social Sustainability
- Economic Sustainability
- Cultural Sustainability

Clean Water and SANITATION for all

The condition of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Nigeria and the wider Africa is still a major source of concern.
Through the construction of electric powered boreholes, PASDO is doing its bid to ensure that more people in Africa are able to have access to clean water in order to improve their level of sanitation and hygiene.
Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CADA)

Although Africa contributes very little or nothing to global climate change, it faces the worst impacts.
These impacts manifest in various ways around the continent. From desert encroachment, to flooding, to gully erosion and landslide activities.
Farmlands and crops are destroyed, and agricultural output is on a steady decline. Community infrastructure are continually gullied.
Livelihoods are lost.
The summary is that hunger and poverty are on the rise in the continent and concerted effort is needed to help Africa adapt to these climate change impacts.
Through its Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CADA) programme, PASDO is helping to tackle the challenges.
Clean Energy Program

Skyrocketing energy prices and epileptic power supply on one hand, and the need to support global efforts at mitigating greenhouse emissions on the other hand, are the main factors that necessitated PASDO’s Clean Energy Program (CEP).
Sustainable Aquaculture Supply in West and Central Africa (SasWeCA) Project.

The combination of climate change and population explosion in West and Central Africa is dealing devastating blows to marine biodiversity.
Through the SASWeCA project, PASDO is promoting local fish farming in order to boost fish supply, enhance food and nutrition security and promote climate change adaptation of the marine ecosystem.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis response program (CCRP)

The China-Africa Peace Initiative (CAPI)

The China-Africa Peace Initiative (CAPI) is one of PASDO’s COVID-19 response programs aimed at resolving tensions and preventing conflict between Africans and Chinese as a result of Coronavirus misunderstandings in the Guangdong province of China .
Volunteer with PASDO

PASDO offers both onsite and online volunteering opportunities to passionate individuals who wish to commit their time to creating positive change in the society. PASDO’s volunteers do not only get the chance to build their skills or enjoy the fulfillment that comes with contributing to something meaningful, they also receive a Volunteer Certificate that officially features the logo of the United Nations Volunteers service (UNV).
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